There are too many mediocre things in life. Love should not be one of them."
Girls in college are going through a strange age. Many of my friends have told me that they feel like they are too old to live at home, but too young to live on their own. They feel eager to start their lives. I've heard many of my friends say things like, "I want to get married" or "I want to have kids now!" It seems like we are all loosing the patience to start our independent lives away from our parents. We are right in between childhood and adulthood, and it is an irritating feeling.
I've seen so many girls (and guys) jump into relationships with the wrong person, just because they are tired of waiting and they want to feel like they are starting their lives. They feel like a serious relationship is the first step to moving away from your parents, and thinking about your future.
College students need to remember - this is the most crucial 4 years of your life. You are given so many opportunities, and have a chance to gain incredible experience in your work field. I am afraid that my friends will jump into the wrong relationships, and loose themselves. I've seen so many girls give up opportunities and miss great things because they are too focused on a significant other.
I guess what I am trying to get at here is - don't loose yourself. Don't sacrifice your dreams for someone. If they really love you, they will want you to pursue your dreams, and they will stand by your side through it all. Don't loose yourself while trying to hold on to someone who doesn't care about loosing you.
Although I am young, I have had plenty of experience with the wrong relationships. Instead of holding on to them and trying to make something out of nothing, I let go. So many girls allow themselves to be an option to their boyfriend, while their boyfriend is their main priority. I am proud to say that I have a better head on my shoulders to ever let myself be second best to someone. Life is so short, and there are so many opportunities out there. It is crucial not to waste time or give things up for the wrong people.
The current relationship I am in is the first one that I do not plan on giving up. It is the first time I have felt like a priority. I feel like for the first time, someone cares about me the same amount as I care about them. Mark treats me like a princess. I never have to question anything about our relationship. He is my best friend, and I love absolutely every single little detail about him. We balance each other out so well. He motivates me and makes me feel incredible about myself.
He has made me so sure that I have made the right decisions about my past relationships. He walked into my life, and made me realize why it never worked out with anyone else. He tells me "I am the girl of his dreams, and that nobody on the face of this planet will ever love me more than he does." He is everything I have ever wanted in a partner, and he makes me excited for life. I wake up every morning feeling loved and happy, and that is how I want all of my friends to feel.
I want the world for Mark. I would never act like a selfish or jealous girlfriend. I want him to do great things, because I know he can. I want him to feel free, and love his life. He is the most incredible person I've ever met, and I want him to be the happiest he possibly can be.
If you truly love someone, and know that they truly love you, their happiness is your happiness. Mark's happiness is my happiness.
It is hard when trying to give friends advice, to use my own personal relationship. I want to make sure that instead of talking about my love, that I am solely helping them with theirs. But I know that Mark would never let me miss out on an opportunity for him. He pushes me to be successful and offers to help whenever he can. I know that if I were to travel or explore opportunities for my future, he would be right there waiting for me with flowers when I returned. That is what a boyfriend should do. If we stay how we are, and end up together one day, my success will turn into our success, so it is important that he pushes me to be successful, and I motivate him as well.
I hope my friends stop settling. I want them to find someone who wants them to pursue their dreams. I want them to find someone who supports and motivates them. Someone who they trust and will be there for them through everything. I want them to wake up every morning and feel how I feel about Mark.
We settle for so many things in life. Jobs, homes, schooling. Love is something that you can NEVER settle for. "We accept the love we think we deserve." Understand that you are an incredible person, and you deserve someone who makes you shine like the star you are. You deserve someone who will make you feel like you are on top of the world. Don't settle for anyone who makes you feel any less than that.
I love you Mark Christopher, thank you for being my inspiration.
Thanks for reading,
Love always,